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Airborne Mold Genera Test

Airborne Mold Genera Test

Device run-time: 24 hours      Lab Turnaround Time: 1 Day

We have the only lab in the country offering this specific airborne mold test.

Our Mold Genera testing now has 8 different detects 8 different types of mold- including Cladosporium.

There are 5 molds that are considered zero tolerance molds. They can be highly toxic to some individuals, and if found they require immediate remediation.  StachybotrysFusarium, MemnoniellaTrichodermaChaetonium. Penicillium includes over 300 species of mold.  Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common cause of aspergillosis.  Exposure can lead to severe infection in immunocompromised individuals.


Commonly found in soil, decaying vegetation, and in house dust, the Aspergillus genus includes 185 species of
mold. Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common cause of aspergillosis. Exposure can lead to severe infection in
immunocompromised individuals.


Associated with decaying food products, Penicillium includes over 300 species of mold. Penicillium can be found
on cellulose materials inside homes and buildings and can even grow in environments of relatively low humidity.


Cladosporium is one of the most commonly found mold indoors. Growing on decaying organic materials, textiles,
and food, Cladosporium can grow on drywall, curtains, wood, carpeting, wallpaper, and under floors, if the indoor
areas are exposed to high levels of humidity. Cladosporium is extremely allergenic and can be problematic for
sensitized individuals. Cladosporium can be black, brown, or green in color.

Zero Tolerance Molds: The following 5 molds are considered “Zero Tolerance” molds, as coined by the
National Organization of Remediators and Microbial Inspectors (NORMI). These molds may be indicative of
severe water damage and can be highly toxic to some individuals. If found, they require immediate


Stachybotrys includes roughly 50 species of mold and grows on products with high cellulose content, such as
fiberboard, wood, and paper. The most notorious species, Stachybotrys chartarum, aka. black mold, is associated
with moisture from water damage, leaks, or flooding.


Found in the air, soil, and on plants, Fusarium includes 20 species of mold. Some species of Fusarium can cause
mycotoxicosis and severe disease, if digested. Like Stachybotrys, Fusarium can be associated with severe water
damage from leaks, broken pipes, and flooding.


Trichoderma can be found in carpets, furniture, wallpaper, and wood, if moisture conditions are high enough. Some
species of Trichoderma are more resistant to anti-fungal drugs than other molds, which poses a threat to
immunocompromised individuals.


Memnoniella, a close relative of the infamous Stachybotrys molds, is a mold that commonly develops on water
damaged construction material. Like Stachybotrys, Memnoniella grows on materials with cellulose content, in the
presence of high moisture.


Most commonly found in decaying plants, animal dung, and in damp soil, Chaetomium includes 95 species of
molds and can grow on water damaged materials with high cellulose content. Many species can cause severe
respiratory disease in immunocompromised individuals.

AirAnswers® is the only lab in the country offering this specific airborne mold genera assay.